Apungo for puja

Apungo is one of the major items used in almost all of the worships and pujas as the holy offering. Especially in the grand or bigger pujas like Saptaha, Yagyas, Shradhas or other such pujas and fasts performed by calling a priest at home, apungo is must-have item for offering.

It is an essential requirement during the Satyanarayan puja and Dhanlaxmi or Saubhagya Laxmi puja (along with pujas of other forms of Lamxi) and is also tasty to eat. It is an easy process and is also tasty to eat. Here is one of the ways for making apungo.


Wheat flour, ghee or clarified butter, one banana piece, one pinch edible kapur, sugar, cashew, date, almond, coconut, black pepper and green cardamom.



First of all, heat a pan and add the clarified butter to it. Let the ghee melt and when it is heated, add the wheat flour and stir fry it. Fry it until it turns brown in color and make sure to stir it continuously to avoid it from burning. When it is ready, take it out of the heat and spread it in a plate to cool it.

Now, take a blender and put a piece of banana, one pinch edible kapur, sugar, cashew, date, almond, coconut, black pepper and green cardamom and grind it into a smooth powder. Then, add the powder to the fried wheat flour and mix it thoroughly. Your apungo is ready to be offered during the puja.