
Lakhamari is one of the most popular Newari sweets used during various festivals and celebrations in Nepal. Although it might come in different shapes and sizes, all of it tastes similar. It is one of the most popular sweets especially available (in the market and households) in Kathmandu as most of the valley dwellers consists of the Newari community.

Although it might seem quite an effort making a Lakhamari when you see its shape and style, the process of making it is pretty simple and easy. All you need is a little time and willingness. Here is one of the ways describing how Lakhamari is made in Nepali (Newari) households:


1 kg Taichin rice flour (easily available in the markets around Kathmandu)

400 gm ghee or clarified butter

½ kg maasko daal (black lentil)

Chasni (liquefied sugar) as required

Oil for deep frying

Water as required



Soak the rice grains in water whole day and then, drain the water and let it dry for the overnight. Grind it the next day. Soak and dry the black lentil in similar way and wash it properly removing its cover before grinding it. Mix the lentil into a little water to form a paste. Mix the rice flour, lentil paste and the clarified butter thoroughly stirring it. When the paste becomes soft, put it into a clean cloth piece with holes in it. Now oil in a pan (tai) and put the paste using the clothes with hole. Zigzag it to give interesting shapes and designs. When it comes to a shape, transfer it into a kadai and deep fry until it turns light brown. Now, in another pan, heat the sugar into chasni (liquid) and brush the chasni to Lakhamari like polishing a shoe. When done, leave it for about few minutes. Your Lakamari is ready to be served instantly or store in an airtight container for later use.