Best Indian Food restaurants in Kathmandu

We will help you find the top best Indian restaurants in Kathmandu and Lalitpur for all you Indian food lovers! You may have heard about Aagan, Rameshwor, Moti Mahal, Mirage Lords and so on, but there are a lot of other Indian restaurants that serve delicious Indian dishes that are to die for!

Choosing the best Indian food restaurant can be challenging. A good Indian restaurant must be able to serve the most exquisite and tasty palate that represents the flavor of India. The ingredients must be hand-picked, fresh and healthy.

The restaurant’s ambience should be soothing. Its environment should be clean and pleasant. Also, the staff members should be highly qualified and humble towards the customers. And most importantly, the restaurant must be customer-centered and their main goal must be to satisfy their every demand.

The following are the best Indian Food restaurants in Kathmandu.