Top famous social networking sites in Nepal

We have prepared for you the list of the top famous social networking sites in Nepal. Facebook, Twitter are some of the top famous social networking sites used by us Nepali.

Social networking site has revolutionized the lives of people all around the world, also in our country, Nepal. These sites have helped us to communicate more well with our friends, family, relatives, colleagues and peers. This has helped us to reach our loved ones not only domestically far but internationally far was well. The availability of internet even in some rural areas of our country have helped them o reach out to their family members. They have also facilitated us to share our pictures, fun videos, share important news ans events, and so on. They have been proven as a good source of time pass, informative medium as well as entertainment. Nowadays, almost everyone has a account in the most famous social medias in Nepal and they have been known to enjoy them to their fullest.

Below is the list of the top famous social networking sites in Nepal.

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