Bhuttan (Stir fried intestines)

One of the popular non vegetarian snacks served in Nepal, Bhuttan is the stir fried intestines of goat or buffalo. In most of the places around Kathmandu, buffalo bhuttan is common while most of the hotels outside the valley serve lamb bhuttan.

Consisting mainly of intestines, blood solid (rakti) and liver pieces stir-fried in oil, it is commonly served with drinks or with chiura or murai (beaten rice or puffed rice). It is one of the most common items served especially with drinks and also during the festival of Dashain, every household where the animal (goat, lamb or buffalo) sacrifice is made, prepares this delicacy. Although time consuming and slightly troublesome, people tend to enjoy preparing it, probably thinking about the delicious snack it will turn into. Most of the hotels and especially the eateries and luncheons specializing in Newari lunch and snacks (Newari Khaja Ghar) serve bhuttan in their menu.

For making bhuttan, the intestines are cleaned inside out and boiled in water. Then, the inner black layer of the stomach part is removed and the intestines are cleaned and cut into small pieces. Along with the intestines, the blood chunk (rakti) and liver are also cut into small cubes. Then, a kadhai is heated and when it is hot, required amount of oil is added. When the oil is heated, chilies and bay leaves are fried and then adding turmeric to the mixture, the meat pieces are put into the kadhai and fried. The meat should be fried until it looks slightly crispy and then adding the garam masala, it should be cooked for few more times and when done, it could be served hot or cold (as per your taste) with drinks or beaten or puffed rice. Some people also like to have it with rice, however, it is more uncommon.

You can also garnish it with chopped onions and thinly sliced fried garlic.